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I have to say that exercise for me helps with my mental health and overall wellbeing.  I typically workout 6/7 days a week and enjoy running, biking, rucking and walking the dog.  It is a great stress relief and helps me clear my head after a day of work.  I am sure many of you can relate and as the weather clears more of us are getting back into an exercise routine.

That being said, I always see a spike in heel pain patients this time of year.  It makes sense with the weather drying up and everyone wanted to get outside and ready for summer.  Heel pain can really sideline you as you return to activities.  It can come on suddenly and stick around for months.  As a side note, the earlier you get treatment the faster you can recover.  It is usually caused by inflammation of your plantar fascia. 

The plantar fascia is the main support network of the foot.  It is a soft tissue structure that runs from your heel to your toes.  It has the function of controlling the foot and helping with propulsion.  It can get worn out with time or tired from increased loads.  It is by far the most common condition I treat. 

Some patients wait quite a while before coming in and these cases are often what I call “stubborn heel pain” or “chronic fasiitis”.   This is because the inflammation has now become chronic, and the body has given up on trying to fix it and now coexists with this pathology.  These cases are harder to treat and usually require more extensive care.  I think it is important to understand that once it becomes chronic, part of the treatment usually requires a reactivation of the body’s ability to recognize this condition.  You must take the chronic state of inflammation and turn it back to an acute state. 

I really enjoy helping my patients get their life back and their feet pain free.  If you would like a consultation for your heel pain I can help.  Call to make an appointment with me at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.


Dr Brandon Nelson

American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons

Issaquah’s Top Podiatrist


Are you currently suffering with heel pain?  I can remember those days not long ago for me.  I would wake up in the morning and that first step pain was terrible.  It would take a couple minutes and it would finally loosen up only to return every time I sat down.  Does this sound familiar?  If so, you probably have plantar fasciitis.  The big question is when to see a foot and ankle specialist, the answer is now. 

The sooner you get in to seek treatment the faster your recovery will be.  With procrastination the inflammation gets worse, and you will take longer to recover.  I tell all my patients the sooner we initiate treatment the faster we can get you back to enjoying the things you like. 

Treatment of plantar fasciitis usually starts with a review of your activities.  What are you currently doing for exercise and how often?   Have there been any recent changes?  I like to get an x-ray to check for bone spurs and arthritis.  A good overall examination of the foot structure and lower leg can be helpful along with any treatments that have been tried.  If the diagnosis is still plantar fasciitis then the average patient I see will be about 50% better in less than a week with the first line of therapy. 

If you have heel pain, you know how uncomfortable it can be.  If you would like a consultation on your heel pain, I can help.  Call to make an appointment with me at 425-391-8666 or schedule an appointment online. 


Dr Brandon Nelson


We’ve discussed many of the things that need to be considered after foot surgery, including bunion surgery. One thing to think about is simple meal planning and getting groceries. 

There are options such as planning all your foods and meals ahead of time. Try getting premade meals such as at Costco and keep them in the freezer so you can just put them in the oven and not have to prepare a full meal. Other options could include Uber eats or having a family member pick up other food to go. You can always ask a family member to make a meal for you also. 

Don’t forget that many grocery stores have delivery options also. Amazon fresh is yet one more option. 

Planning your meals ahead of time will really pay off later when you are recuperating from foot surgery!

If you are experiencing foot or ankle pain, please give us call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online. 

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