Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board-Certified Physician & Surgeon Discusses Why He Has Been Fixing Heel Pain For Over 15 Years 

Dr Brandon Nelson, A Board-Certified Physician & Surgeon Discusses Why He Has Been Fixing Heel Pain For Over 15 Years


Heel pain is usually caused from inflammation of your plantar fascia.  However, this is not the only cause of heel pain.  Other causes can include arthritis, nerve irritation, bursal sacs and even mechanical foot collapse.  I always recommend physician intervention as things will subside much faster. 

Plantar fasciitis is characterized by pain in the morning or after rest.  Most patients have increased activities or spend a lot of time on their feet.  The pain can feel like a bruise or throbbing that can extend from the heel to the arch.  This can go on for months before patients seek treatment or even years.  But remember the sooner you see a foot and ankle physician the faster the recovery and return to normal activities. 

The mainstays of heel pain treatment are stretching and icing.  It is important to get a correct diagnosis before starting any treatment as somethings can exacerbate heel pain and make symptoms worse.  An x-ray and careful physical examination are essential to helping discover the underlying causes of heel pain.  Assuming all heel pain is plantar fasciitis is a mistake.  I have been treating heel pain for over 15 years and have a protocol so successful that most patients are 70% better in less than a week. 

Do not let heel pain control your life.  How long have you been suffering?  Call today and let me help you get better.  If you would like a consultation for your heel pain I can help.  Call to make an appointment with me at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.


Dr Brandon Nelson

American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons

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