achilles tendonitis

Displaying items by tag: achilles tendonitis

woman pink dress holding heel

Heel pain can affect people of all ages, lifestyles and activity levels.  You can be an avid exerciser, a home body or just spend all day working on your feet.  I will discuss some of the causes of heel pain, the symptoms and when to seek medical attention.  I have been a practicing podiatrist in Issaquah for over 25 years and have treated and helped 1000’s of patients. 

There are many common causes of heel pain.  However a few are the most common and these include; plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, stress fractures and Baxter’s neuritis


Plantar fasciitis is caused from an inflammation of a band of tissue running on the bottom of the foot.  The job of the fascia is to support the arch of the foot and control 3 dimensional movement.  It often occurs with repetitive stress like standing all day or running. 

Achilles tendonitis is usually located more towards the back of the heel.  The Achilles tendon helps to push off the foot during the gait cycle.  Often any activity that increases load like jumping rope can cause the Achilles to become inflamed.  People often feel swelling or a thickening of this tendon in the ankle.


Stress fractures are usually related to overtraining and time.  They occur with repetitive loading of a bone.  The bone I am speaking of in this case is the calcaneus.  These can be tricky to diagnose. 


Baxter’s neuritis is rare but is often confused for plantar fasciitis.  There is usually more of a burning or tingling that occurs.  Often there is not an increase in activities and no correlation with time spent on your feet and pain. 

I recommend seeking early treatment for heel pain.  I see that patients that wait longer have a harder time recovering and often need more therapeutic interventions.  This is especially true for athletes, get in early and get a head of the pathology. 


If you have heel pain and would like an appointment with Issaquah’s top Podiatrist at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.


Dr Brandon Nelson

Board Certified Foot & Ankle Surgeon

Achilles Tendon

Many athletes will suffer from the dreaded Achilles tendonitis.  Increased training and often a change in activities can precipitate this pathology.  It is quite frustrating and can sideline many active patients.  I personally have dealt with this issue and can understand the challenges associated with it. 

The Achilles tendon is the main unit in the lower extremity for the push off phase of gait.  It contracts and helps individuals with forward motion.  It is constantly under load and being utilized with every step.  It is a wonder that more people don’t suffer from tendonitis.

The main cause continues to be overuse.  It often is seen in runners and joggers and triathletes.  In my office, runners seem to suffer from it.  Runners seem to have the biggest demand on this tendon and overuse is quite easy.  However, they are not the only one’s, basketball players seem to be affected as well.  Probably related to the loading requirements of jumping.   Regardless of the causes, it is important to seek help early in the process. 

Early intervention seems to be the key in recovering from Achilles tendonitis.  I also encourage stretching to all my athletes.  It is an easy thing to skip as it is time consuming and we can be pinched for time.  Additionally, hydration is essential and I find collagen supplements to be beneficial as well.  If you have any signs or symptoms do not delay.  I can help get you back out participating in your favorite activities. If you are experiencing foot or ankle pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. 


Dr. Brandon Nelson 

Achilles Tendon

The Achilles tendon is the primary tendon utilized in gait. Meaning that every step, every jump, every run you take you puts mechanical pressure on it. This can result in a lot of wear and tear on this tendon. This can begin to manifest as some pain and even swelling in the Achilles. The irritation usually begins where it attaches to the foot or a few inches above the ankle. Most people that experience Achilles’ tendon pain will be avid exercises. Additionally, it seems to be men rather than woman and between the ages of 40-60.

Evaluating the condition of the tendon before treatment is important. A thorough exam by a physician is essential. There are a lot of factors that play a role in Achilles’ tendonitis and these need to be addressed. These range from foot structure, to training errors to tight muscles. An x-ray or even and MRI may need to be part of the evaluation process. Once the deforming forces and anatomical issues are identified a recovery program can begin.

I encourage anybody with Achilles’ tendon pain to seek help from a physician. This tendon is known to often take months before returning to a normal state. While it is inflamed you run the risk of rupturing the tendon. If the tendon ruptures surgery is required and it can take 6-12 months to completely heal from that scenario.

Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. 

Achilles Tendon

The Achilles tendon is the work horse of the lower extremity. It provides forward propulsion and is the thickest, strongest tendon in the human body. It basically never has a chance to rest if you are walking. The tendon itself is made of three different muscles and contracts to provide power. That is why it is one of the most common tendons to experience tendonitis in.

It is probably the most common type of tendonitis we see in the office. I would also say it is one of the most challenging to treat. The challenge is it's constantly in use and the number one cause of Achilles tendonitis is overuse. We see a fair amount as the summer starts and people get outside. The other big culprit is a new exercise program. Most of these patients are usually men and around the age of 40.

I encourage patients to get in early and treat this aggressively. The Achilles tendon is notorious for taking a long time to return to a normal state and recover from tendonitis. The earlier and more aggressive the treatment the better the long-term outcomes. Focusing on eliminating the abnormal pull of the Achilles and stretching provide relief. There are numerous opportunities to administer more advanced treatment options that utilize the body's own ability to heal. These techniques seem to have the best long term outcomes. If you are suffering from Achilles’ tendon pain we can help.

Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. 

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