Dr. Young Discusses Shockwave Therapy Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

Dr. Young Discusses Shockwave Therapy Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

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The shockwave therapy is part of what we call regenerative medicine. Typically, 5 treatments of shockwave are done at weekly intervals.  This actually helps the damaged tissue and fascia heal rather than just masking the problem.  There are a number of pathways with this treatment works including improving the local blood flow to the damaged plantar fascia.  The treatment also activates the local It is always critical to continue the other mechanical and supportive measures (Prescription orthotics night splint hoka shoes).

The majority of patients do very well with this protocol.  A small number of patients will need an additional limited series of (3) additional shockwave treatments 4–6 months later into the treatment plan.

If for any reason there is not dramatic and 90% plus improvement then an MRI evaluation is recommended.

Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. 

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