Bunions form on the big toe and are caused by a rotational malalignment of the 1st metatarsal. They are usually inherited and can get bigger with time. Many people will begin to find it difficult to wear shoes, exercise and walking will become painful. I will discuss why many people decide to have bunion surgery below.
Reduction of Pain/Discomfort
This is the most common reason patients seek to have bunion surgery. Many experience pain with walking every day. This can make even going to the store challenging. The bunion gets bigger with time and creates more inflammation in the foot. The surgery aims to realign the foot and reduce bunion pain.
Preventing Further Progression
Many know this well, but your bunion grows and the bone shifts farther out of place. This can lead to other issues like hammer toes, flatfeet, and arthritis. The goal of surgery is to stop the bunion from increasing in size and prevent the bunion from preventing more severe foot complications.
Improving Foot Function
Bunions cause significant foot impairments and function. This makes things like running and exercise difficult. Surgery not only helps fix the appearance of the foot but the overall function. The goal is to restore anatomical alignment and help the foot function in a more natural state.
Newer Techniques
It is important to know that bunion surgery is not a one size fits all. It should be customized to your foot structure. Newer techniques are available that decrease healing times and allow early ambulation.
Bunion surgery should not be taken lightly. You should seek a skilled bunion surgeon and have questions ready to ask your surgeon. If you would like a consultation for your bunion I can help. Call to make an appointment with me at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.
American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons
Issaquah’s Top Podiatrist & Bunion Surgeon