I’m still constantly surprised on a daily basis how many people live with chronic heel pain. Plantar fasciitis or heel pain can be so challenging for patients and really be detrimental to their life. I see a lot of patients that have suffered for years and years from heel pain and have seen multiple physicians and are still having pain. I empathize with these patients and understand their frustration as this can really impact their life and the things they want to do. Having suffered from plantar fasciitis and heel pain myself and knowing how it impacted my life, I really enjoyed treating heel pain patients.
I now important it is for me to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle and I really want to provide this for my patients as well. Often times the majority of heel pain gets treated as plantar fasciitis when there are quite a few other pathologies that can cause heel pain. I can’t stress enough compounded is to find the underlying causes of heel pain which allows proper treatment plan to occur. If you suffer from heel pain for plantar fasciitis and are continuing to suffer please make an appointment or give us a call today at 425-391-8666 today and we will help you stop it once and for all.