Dr Brandon Nelson, a Board-Certified Physician and Surgeon, Discusses What His Patients Experience After Bunion Surgery

Dr Brandon Nelson, a Board-Certified Physician and Surgeon, Discusses What His Patients Experience After Bunion Surgery

Bunion xray

I have now been operating for about 15 years and can tell you bunion surgery has really changed. In the average week I correct 3-5 bunions and have now operated on 1000’s of bunions. Some bunions are small, and some are large and very complex, but all can be fixed. I continue to learn and research new techniques, and these have afforded me opportunities and skills to provide great outcomes and minimal down time.

In the past bunion surgery was done at the hospital and often required and overnight stay. Patients were placed in casts and often non-weight bearing for months. I have heard stories of patients being uncomfortable for weeks.

I can tell you techniques have changed, and I am happy to outline how the average patient experience goes at my clinic. My clinic has an onsite surgery center that provides a huge cost and time savings as compared to a free-standing surgery center or a hospital. Most bunion cases are completed in under 3 hours from the time one enters the clinic to when ones leaves. We utilize IV sedation which is safer and allows me to perform a nerve block for long term pain relief. Pain medication is only needed for a few days and many patients do not even take anything apart from an NSAID. Weight bearing status depends on any ancillary procedures, but most bunion patients can walk immediately after surgery.

If you have bunion and have been contemplating having it fixed make an appointment today and I will review your options and help you make an informed decision.


Dr Brandon Nelson

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