Rocker Style Shoes, A Bestfootdoc.Com Podiatrist's Review

Tuesday, 07 June 2011 14:43

Rocker Style Shoes, A Bestfootdoc.Com Podiatrist's Review

Why use the rocker shoes?

The rocker style shoes tend to shift pressure off the heel and the forefoot. As a result, the rocking motion tends to decrease the stress load going to the midfoot.

What conditions can this help?

This can help heel pain problems such as plantar fasciitis and a thin plantar fat pad or cushioning on the bottom of the heel. This can also help forefoot problem such as pain at the forefoot joints-capsulitis, arthritis in the forefoot, Morton's neuroma, and a thin fat pad and the forefoot. This can also help arthritis and the midfoot with a rocker motion.

What problems could I experience from these shoes?

These types of shoes are inherently unstable, and for some people this is a problem. It often takes three weeks or longer to become accustomed to these shoes and you may feel a bit like you are "lurching around". You would have to be extremely careful going up and down stairs at least to begin with. The shoes can also cause more pressure in the midfoot, sometimes this causes some uncomfortable pressure in the arch but rarely the heel or forefoot. The shoes are not for everybody and it's important to get them from a store where you can use them for a “trial” period at home on the carpet, then they can still be returned if you don't get used to them or they are not comfortable.

Will they work with orthotics?

Yes, these rocker style shoes have removable insoles and work very well with orthotics. In general the combination of orthotics and rocker shoes gives the best possible combination of mechanical offloading to the symptomatic areas.

What about sandals?

The sandals are great, but they really accommodate orthotics. However because they are beneficial it is recommended that for some problems, you also get a pair of these rocker style sandals such as a sketcher or MBT sandals for summertime use.


Where to purchase the MBT shoes and sandals:

Where to purchase the sketcher shoes and sandals:

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