Questions to Ask Before Bunion Surgery

Friday, 18 January 2019 11:36

Questions to Ask Before Bunion Surgery

We see a lot of patients for bunion consults and we perform 2 to 3 bunion surgeries every week.


Over the course of time, we’ve had multiple questions from patients prior to surgery and here are some of the most important ones to ask your surgeon.


How are you going to make sure that my bunion doesn't come back after surgery?

Do you do the surgery by yourself or is there an assistant surgeon?

Are you board-certified or board qualified in foot surgery?

How will you make sure that I don’t have too much pain or swelling after surgery?

What do you do to help minimize pain and swelling after surgery?

What do you do to make sure that I heal as quickly as possible?

How do you protect the surgical site afterwards to make sure that heals correctly?

Do use a boot or a real cast?

Am I able to bear weight after surgery, and what are the normal time frames to expect for healing and weight bearing?


If you have a bunion or have questions about it we would be happy to see you in consultation. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.

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