Preoperative And Postoperative Pictures Of A Bone Cyst

Tuesday, 08 December 2015 14:38

Preoperative And Postoperative Pictures Of A Bone Cyst

This patient presented to the office with a bone cyst in the calcaneus.  The patient was very active and enjoyed numerous sporting activities.  The first xray reveals a large cyst in the calcaneus.  The majority of  these cysts are unicameral or aneurysmal bone cysts.  This type of cyst can be a source of heel pain or aching in the foot.

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  • Lateral preoperative xray revealing large cyst in the calcaneus.

The patient was taken to the operating room and the large cyst was identified, removed and packed with bone chips.

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  • Intraoperative fluroscopic image after the cyst has been removed and packed with bone grafting material.

The patient healed uneventfully and has returned to full participation in activities with no limitations.


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  • The cyst has been completely removed and is filling in nicely with new bone. 


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