Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Options

Friday, 06 July 2018 05:50

Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Options

Plantar fasciitis, or heel pain, can be extremely challenging for both patients and physicians. At the Washington Heel Pain Center we have found that the majority of patients respond well to stretching, icing and a prescription orthotic. Some patients continue to have pain and other options include cortisone injections, dry needling and shockwave therapy. I prefer to start with a steroid injection if patients still have some pain after receiving their prescription orthotic as there is no downtime and it targets the source of inflammation.

Some patients prefer an alternative and shockwave is a great option to consider. Shockwave or EPAT(extracorporeal activated technology) stimulates your body’s natural healing cascade via a chemical pathway that increases blood supply and the recruitment of healing cells. EPAT typically requires 5 sessions 5 weeks in a row, but has one of the best long term outcomes approaching 90%. Don’t let heel pain stop you from enjoying the Northwest summer.

If you are experiencing any heel pain, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 425-880-9552 or contact us online for an appointment.


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