Bunion And Tailor's Bunion Surgery, And X Rays, Part 1

Wednesday, 30 March 2011 11:29

Bunion And Tailor's Bunion Surgery, And X Rays, Part 1

This will be a 2 part blog series, this is part 1 of 2:

Bunions and tailor's bunions can be painful foot conditions that interfere with a patients ability to stay active and healthy. Bunions, also called metatarsus primus varus  and tailor's bunions, also called a bunionettes can be treated conservatively or with surgery.  The causes of bunions are attributed to genetics, activity level, trauma and or shoe gear.

I recently had a patient present to the clinic with increased foot pain.  No family history of foot pain and no trauma to the foot.  Here are the preoperative x rays.


preoperative bunion and tailor's bunion













Preoperateive x ray of the bunion and tailor's bunion.














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