5 Ways To Keep Your Feet Healthy This Summer

Tuesday, 03 May 2011 12:40

5 Ways To Keep Your Feet Healthy This Summer

Our long awaited summer is almost here. Below are five tips for keeping your feet, and your children's feet, healthy all season long.

Ankle sprains can result from improper footwear and we treat many ankle injuries in the summer. We also treat many cases of plantar fasciitis, and fit custom orthotics in the summer. With increased activity in the summer it is important to remain pain and injury free to fully enjoy our Pacific Nortwest summer. During a long winter like we experienced our feet and ankles can lose their natural strength. Our ankles and arches become accustomed to being supported in the sturdy footwear we wear in the winter months. As a result, our feet will need to be reconditioned to not having all of the support they used to.

Not all injuries can be prevented. However, consider these tips from the Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists to help keep you on your feet this summer.

Five of our tips for keeping your feet, and your children's feet, healthy this summer:

  • Transition slowly to less supportive footwear. Allow time for your feet to restore their strength to help avoid injuries this summer.
  • Apply sunscreen to your feet. Feet are at risk of sunburn also.
  • Protect your feet poolside. Avoid cuts, abrasions, bacteria, and viruses by wearing sandals or flip flops. This will help prevent athletes foot and plantar warts.
  • See a doctor quickly if you experience a puncture wound. If you step where you should not have and get a puncture wound have it treated properly. These types of injuries can lead to infection and other complications.
  • Wear the right type of footwear. Don’t wear running shoes for sports that involve a lot of side-to-side movement, such as tennis and basketball. 

Do not let foot and ankle injuries slow you down this summer. Custom orthotics can help keep you on your feet. Visit our heel pain center for more information about home remedies and treatment for the common causes of heel pain, including plantar fasciitis.

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