issaquah foot an dankle

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Bunion surgery
and even surgery in general requires planning. Covid-19 has created a new work environment for a lot of people in Washington State. A larger percentage of people are working from home and have decided this provides an opportunity for them to have bunion surgery.

Surgery in general can be challenging, trying to find the correct time and date, planning for the recovery and taking time off work. However, we have seen quite a few people this year that have found working from home to be an advantage for surgery recovery. Without the need for a commute recovering at home and working has seem to work well.

I agree with these patients as foot and ankle surgery often requires modification to one’s work schedule. People working from home have a great opportunity to get the surgery they have been putting off. I think that this is a silver lining of Covid-19. I have personally seen our surgical load increase this year as people want to have elective surgeries they have been procrastinating.

I still think it is important to plan ahead. I like to provide my patients with all the information they require so they can prepare and make their recovery easier. Being preparde can make the surgical process much easier. Getting your house ready, making sure you have a way to get around, setting up a work station all these little tips make a big difference.

If you have a bunion or have been waiting to have surgery on your foot or ankle now is a great time. Give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online. 

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