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At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists, we provide exceptional care as sports medicine physicians. We’re the #1 foot and ankle source for Achilles tendon pain, heel bursitis, bone spurs, and retrocalcaneal bursitis. One of our primary areas of focus is sports medicine and sports injuries. Achilles tendon injuries can be extremely challenging.

We utilize the latest treatment options including shockwave therapy and other cutting edge sports medicine techniques to treat all types of Achilles tendon pain. We can provide urgent care in same-day appointments sports medicine related injuries as we're the #1 foot and ankle clinic. If you live in Bellevue, Seattle, Issaquah, Maple Valley or Sammamish we are here to help. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.
heel pain in the morning
Currently there are many different options for surgically treating plantar fasciits. Options include, plantar fasciotomies, gastroc-recessions, topaz procedures and tenex procedures. The success rate is high with these procedures but so is conservative care. I think anybody contemplating surgical repair of their fascia should schedule an appointment of a second opinion with a heel pain expert. junk removal seattle

Personally, I would say the conservative success rate is so high that very few people need to have surgery performed. I see a lot of patients that have seen other healthcare providers and are still having pain but think there are no other options than surgery. I can say that is typically not try and I am happy to help them explore other avenues of therapy. To list a few options that have great success rates, these would include things like shockwave therapy and dry needling. The most important part of treating individuals with recalcitrant fasciitis is to identify the cause. If you are experiencing heel pain, have seen multiple doctors, I know we can help. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.

Plantar fasciitis by far continues to be the most common presenting symptom to any foot and ankle physician. At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists, that is our primary focus and dedication. We've seen an incredible amount of patients with heel pain and continue to dedicate our practice to curing heel pain. Our treatment modalities for heel pain continue to evolve as current research supports changing and new techniques and modalities. We recently had developed a protocol that that approaches almost 100% cure rate for plantar fasciitis with no surgery.

We see many patients that have seen multiple other physicians and physical therapist and chiropractor to continue to have a significant amount of heel pain. If you continue to suffer from heel pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment today and we will help you fix your heel pain permanently.

Prescription orthotics have proven to be a great weapon in the treatment and prevention of foot and ankle problems. Custom orthotics have proven to be superior than over the counter inserts in alleviating pain and slowing progression of lower extremity deformities. Prescription orthotics can only be prescribed by a foot and ankle doctor and require the placement of joints into the neutral position. They control excessive pronation and help to redistribute weight and enhance joint alignment. There is a common misconception that prescription orthotics are arch supports or that over the counter orthotics are similar. This could not be further from the truth.

Prescription orthotics do not come from a machine you stand on or from a shoe store. A physician is required to diagnose your condition, evaluate your joints and gait cycle. A large percentage of insurance companies cover a prescription orthotic that is made from a Podiatrist. Prescription orthotics can help all types of patients and foot deformities from bunions to running injuries. Many people without foot pain can benefit from a prescriptive orthotic to help maintain correct alignment and avoid long term issues to the foot or ankle. We at Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialist have a dedicated gait evaluation lab and can provide the best possible orthotic.

Give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. We will be happy to see you.

The common ankle sprain continues to be one of the most undertreated injuries in sports medicine today. At our clinic we see a lot of long-term pathologies that developed secondary to the undertreated ankle sprain. Many times patients present 2-3 months after an ankle sprain and continue to have pain and dysfunction secondary to the injury.

There are a lot of possibilities. Sometimes patients have scar tissue and the ankle or small ligament or tendon tears. It is important to be evaluated at this point especially if you have swelling and pain with activities. Often times an MRI can be useful at this point to evaluate the integrity of the joint structures surrounding the joint. I strongly encourage patients to seek medical intervention with a foot and ankle specialist, because the long-term ramifications can be great. Give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online. 

My partner Dr. Timothy Young or myself (Dr. Brandon Nelson) would be happy to see you.
Sunday, 05 April 2020 16:27



Lapiplasty refers to a type of jig or guide that is used to preform bunion surgery. Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialists has been executing the Lapidus bunion procedure for greater than 20 years. We have extensive experience with bunions and bunion surgery. We make all our recommendations of bunion surgeries based on our years of experience and thousands of procedures that we have performed. The Lapiplasty is the #1 bunion product in the US right now and helps to guide the surgeon in the correct cut, compression and fixation. The technique involves the surgeon:

1. Make the correction of the bunion before they cut

2. Preform precision cuts

3. Achieve controlled compression of joint surfaces

4. Apply multiplanar fixation for robust stability

The idea with the use of this system is to get reproducible results and the best possible outcomes for patients. If you have a bunion and are interested in getting the best possible results, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or schedule an appointment with us to see if you are a candidate for the Lapiplasty.


A lot of Americans continue to struggle with plantar fasciitis. Approximately 60% of American adults will have this at some point in their life. The majority of people with plantar fasciitis type symptoms have pain in the morning or pain after prolonged periods of rest. The main line of therapy to start with usually consist of stretching and icing and not going barefoot. More advanced therapies can be a prescription orthotic or an injection like steroids for anti-inflammatories.

Many patients that have been treated for plantar fasciitis regardless of the treatment that has been attempted continue to have significant pain and dysfunction. At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists, we have developed a plantar fascial protocol that approach is approximately 98%. This is by far the best protocols that we have seen in the literature and discussed with other colleagues. We see a lot of patients that are seeking second and third opinions and wanted an option apart from surgical intervention. Our protocol has taken approximately 10 years to perfect and we have used it on thousands of patients and have seen tremendous results. If you continue to suffer from heel pain or would like a second opinion to stop heel pain once and for all please give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.
Wednesday, 01 April 2020 23:50

Heel Pain in Kids


At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists, we commonly treat kids with heel pain. Often times these are kids in the 8-14 age range who have increasing pain with activities. The majority of these kids are highly active and involved in more than one sport. Kids often don’t have heel pain in the morning or experience much swelling or stiffness. Additionally, often times they have siblings or parents who've had heel pain.

We highly recommend having them evaluated by a physician to diagnose and treat the cause of the condition. X-ray usually gives an accurate cause of heel pain in pediatric patients. The majority of kids we treat can get back to full activities very quickly with a huge reduction in pain in just a few days. If you have a child suffering from heel pain, we highly encourage seeking the help of a foot and ankle physician. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.
Wednesday, 01 April 2020 23:11

Bunion Surgery in Seattle


Dr. Timothy Young explains bunion surgery.
Bunions are a common problem for both women and men. We even see this problem with our teenage patients. Bunions are primarily a structural problem in the foot involving the great toe and the first metatarsal.  If you're having bunion problems and pain then bunion surgery may be something that becomes necessary for you. Here is a overview of bunion surgery.

What causes bunions?

Bunions are painful enlargements and prominence of the first metatarsal head and the great toe joint. They are caused by alignment issues with the first metatarsal and related structures. This is often a foot structure that is inherited. Therefore often times our patients will relay that their mother or father or grandparents had bunions but that is not always the case. Wearing tight shoes can certainly aggravate bunions and make the symptoms become progressively more of a problem. Tight and pointed shoes are often culprits. The bunion can have redness pain and swelling around the joint and there can be joint pain also. There are often adaptive changes and arthritic changes of the joint.
Contact Dr. Timothy Young and Dr. Brandon Nelson to learn more about bunion surgery and bunion treatment options in the Seattle area. Our practice is Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.

Ingrown nails can be quite painful and cause difficulty wearing shoes and exercising. Ingrown nails are very common especially in kids and present with redness and swelling to the toenail. Ingrown nail treatment is fairly easy and straightforward. Ingrown toenail treatment options often time include removing of the offending nail border. For ingrown nail treatment, very rarely does the entire nail need to come off.

Patients in Bellevue, Sammamish, Maple Valley, Redmond and Seattle often come to Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialists because we have a special technique to decrease discomfort during the procedure. We will often times treat the ingrown nail the same day in order to save patients time and discomfort. Many patients have a history of multiple ingrown nails and are looking for long-term treatment options. We have a special technique which we can perform and virtually eliminate the chance of ever having another ingrown toenail again. If you live in the surrounding area and are looking for a foot and ankle doctor or podiatrist or foot doctor to treat this, we are that clinic. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. 
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