


Bunion surgery can be performed in an outpatient setting. This means that for a lot of people they will not need to stay the night in a hospital or even have to have the procedure in a hospital setting. The preference being at an ambulatory surgery center or an office-based surgery center is due to the cost savings and time savings. The majority of bunion procedures can be performed in less than 2 hours.

At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists we have an on-site surgery center for performing bunion surgery. Bunion surgery itself is usually performed on the first metatarsal at either the head or the very distal aspect of the metatarsal or at the base of the metatarsal cuneiform joint. Bunion surgery selection is often based on the size of the deformity in the overall foot structure the patient. It is important to be examined for the bunion itself so we can look at other deformities to make sure there not contributing to this pathology. If you have a bunion and have pain and irritation or interested in looking into having it fixed permanently give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.
Tuesday, 21 April 2020 17:54

How To Heal Plantar Fasciitis

woman walking between flower fields

It is the little things! Plantar fasciitis is often an extremely stubborn problem. It often takes a combination of treatments to get this to resolve. Some of the core treatments involve appropriate shoes, prescription orthotics, night splints, icing and other anti-inflammatory treatments. However, sometimes it is surprising how effective it can be to do a little "fine tuning" to the treatment program.

We may have a patient where we have been doing all the right things as mentioned above. And then we question our patient: have you been stretching 4 times a day and the answer is no. And just something like ramping up the stretching to 4 times a day and/or being very consistent with a night splint can make all the difference.

Another example can be wearing the right shoes. Wearing flats or Converse shoes or other shoes that just don't have much structure or support are not helpful for this problem. It is critical to get the shoes that are recommended. For example very good athletic shoes with both a combination of structure and support. This is yet another example where adding this one item while continuing to do everything else, and finally the problem gets better!

If you have heel pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. Myself, Dr. Timothy Young, or my partner Dr. Brandon Nelson would love to see you. 

The statistics say about 60% of American adults with suffer from plantar fasciitis at some point in their life. The symptoms most commonly associated with plantar fasciitis include; pain in the morning, pain after walking or a burning or bruised sensation to the heel. Plantar fasciitis is best used to describe these symptoms if they have been present for only a few months. After a few months it is more accurate to describe it as plantar fasciosis. Plantar fasciosis refers to a chronic inflamed process of the heel as opposed to an acute.

Plantar fasciitis is by far the most common reason a patient will visit a podiatrist. Heel pain can be extremely challenging and quite debilitating. Often patients that present to Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists have seen other physicians and are hoping for a miracle. Well I can tell you we always have a treatment routine that has not been tried as we are the number one source for heel pain in Washington State. We treat other physicians and medical providers on a regular basis as they know we have the latest technology and research combined to maximize outcomes for patients. If you suffer from heel pain let us help you heal.

If you are experiencing heel pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online. 
Bunion xray

What to expect after bunion surgery with your cast.
Bunion surgery typically involves realigning the first metatarsal. This may involve a Lapidus or Lapiplasty, which is in arthrodesis or fusion of the first metatarsal-cunieform joint. Bunion surgery may involve an osteotomy such as an Austin bunionectomy. This involves a bone cut in the head of the first metatarsal which is then realigned and re-positioned. After the arthrodesis or osteotomy it is important for the bone to heal properly. This requires several different factors. One factor is your casting or cast boot to protect that part of your foot as the bone is healing. It is best to put weight on other parts of the foot so that the stress load in the first metatarsal is reduced so that the bone can heal. 
With an Austin bunionectomy this can be accomplished with the cast boot or sometimes a surgical shoe. reliant junk removal
With the Lapidus or Lapiplasty we put you in a special cast that has a walking heel. This typically goes on between three and eight days after surgery. This allows you to put weight on your heel while protecting the front of the foot so that you can get around. The cast or cast bood should be continued until there is adequate bone healing. Typical bone healing can take between six and 10 weeks depending upon your status. People who smoke will always take longer to heal and may require additional considerations. Quitting smoking is always the ideal scenario.
Remember that after bunion surgery we want to maximize your soft tissue and bone healing to get you back to your normal activities as soon as possible.

If you have questions about bunion surgery we would be happy to see you at Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists. Either myself Dr. Timothy Young, or my partner Dr. Brandon Nelson.
person wearing distressed blue denim jeans inside room

How to maximize your recovery after bunion surgery, with soft tissue and bone healing.
Bunion surgery typically involves bone healing and soft tissue healing. The first metatarsal is typically realigned and the great toe joint has also been repositioned. There will be an incision and smaller incisions heal faster than larger ones. We always try to make your incisions as small as possible for this reason.
Bone healing can be enhanced in several ways. One recommendation is to take appropriate supplements. Ortho pro bono is a special bone healing supplement made by Ortho Molecular. I recommend that you take this during the first several months after bunion surgery. There are also special devices that enhance bone healing. These are bone healing stimulators. Some stimulators use ultrasound technology and some use an intermittent pulsed electronegative technology. Bone healing devices can be very expensive and the insurance companies will not always cover them. Smoking will classically prolong bone healing and therefore the insurance may consider the bone stimulator. If there are other high-risk situations this may also be something the insurance may be willing to allow coverage for these devices.
Proper casting after surgery or a cast boot is also critical. It is important to put weight on a part of the foot that won’t affect the bone healing of the first metatarsal. 
Soft tissue healing and swelling of tissues after surgery also should be addressed. Physical therapy can help regain normal range of motion of the great toe joint after surgery and is important. We can also reduce overall swelling during the postoperative course. Make sure that this is something that is addressed by your surgeon. I typically like to start patients with physical therapy 3-4 weeks after surgery.There are some studies that taking boron zinc and collagen can help with some soft tissue healing. It is especially important to take these extra supplements if you are a slow healer or have wounds that typically have a hard time healing.
Remember that after bunion surgery we want to maximize your soft tissue and bone healing to get you back to your normal activities as soon as possible.

If you have questions about bunion surgery we would be happy to see you at Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists. Either myself Dr. Timothy Young, or my partner Dr. Brandon Nelson.

Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.
woman jogging near wire fence

Heel pain or plantar fasciitis continues to be the number one reason people visit a foot and ankle doctor or a podiatrist. Heel pain or pain when you first get up in the morning can be extremely uncomfortable. Many patients that we treat have seen multiple other doctors or physical therapists. Patients have often spent months going to physical therapy and are continuing to go weekly.

I think physical therapy is a great modality and can be highly beneficial for many conditions. However, for heel pain or plantar fasciitis we almost never send patients to physical therapy. The reason being is we cure the problem. At Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialist, home of the Washington Heel Pain Center we have developed a protocol that has an almost 100% cure rate for plantar fasciitis. If you are still suffering daily with heel pain come see us and we will help you get rid of it once and for all. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online. Our Issaquah Podiatrists would love to see you!

Warts can be very frustrating for patients. They can become quite large, painful and unsightly. Warts on the foot especially can be uncomfortable with playing sports or even walking. The most common type of wart is caused by Human Papillomavirus. There are many different strains of HPV and certain strains are more common on the foot.

The majority of these warts present on the bottom of the foot or the sole of the foot. We provide care for all types of warts and find most warts can completely resolve in just a few treatments. We offer many different treatment options depending on the size, number and location of the wart or warts. We provide care ranging from topical medications, lasers and even excision of warts. If you are looking for a warts specialist in the Issaquah, Bellevue, Mercer Island or Seattle area, come see us and we will help you get rid of them permanently. Give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online. Our Issaquah Podiatrists would love to see you.
Monday, 13 April 2020 16:14

Soft Tissue Growth and Bunions.

Bunion xray

Dr. Timothy Young Talks About Ganglion Cyst Developing Over a Bunion. 

This is not uncommon. In addition to a typical bunion it is possible to have a superimposed fluid filled sac. This could either be a ganglion cyst or a bursa sac.  During surgery, if the ganglion cyst or bursa sack is removed without addressing the underlying structure bunion problem, then there is a high likelihood of recurrence of the problem. The ganglion cyst can come back again, because the underlying capsule needs repairing along with the bunion that caused the problem. 

If you are concerned about a possible ganglion cyst or a soft tissue growth on top of your bunion and would like to discuss this, please contact myself Dr. Timothy Young or my partner Dr. Brandon Nelson. We both work at Foot Surgical Center of Issaquah. This serves the Greater Seattle Area, including Bellevue Issaquah and Redmond.

Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. Our Issaquah Podiatrists would be happy to see you!
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We often ignore the Tailor’s bunion. This is the painful bump that develops on the outside of the foot or lateral aspect of the foot just behind the small toe. Sometimes the surgery is very simple and basic and just involves shaving down the extra bone in the area and smoothing it down and then suturing things back together.
Other times patients have what we would call a splay foot and especially splaying of the fourth and fifth metatarsal. This is where the fifth metatarsal bows out. In this case, we have to reset the fifth metatarsal and surgically realign it back in its normal position. When this is done typically we will use at least one screw to help maintain the alignment of the bone in its new position. if you have a question about Tailor’s bunion correction or treatment options please contact our office at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online. 
You can speak to myself Dr. Timothy Young or my partner Dr. Brandon Nelson. We both work at Foot Surgical Center of Issaquah. This serves the Greater Seattle Area, including Bellevue Issaquah and Redmond.

Dr. Timothy Young Talks About Anesthesia and Bunion Surgery

The vast majority of bunion surgery is done with the combination of local anesthetic and IV sedation. IV sedation is also sometimes referred to as twilight sleep. Very similar to when you have a colonoscopy.

We have the Anesthesia team come to our certified surgical suite and start the IV, make you comfortable and then you are asleep. While you are asleep we administer the local anesthetic. You don’t feel the Injection because you are sleeping and when you wake up after the procedure, your foot is numb and you have no pain. The local anesthetic can last for 24 hours or longer. This is excellent for the initial post procedure pain control.
If you have questions about Anesthesia and bunion surgery or bunion surgery itself. Please feel free to contact myself, Dr. Timothy Young or my partner, Dr. Brandon Nelson. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. 
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