plantar fasciitis mercer island

Displaying items by tag: plantar fasciitis mercer island

pair of blue-and-white Adidas running shoes

The weather is starting to get nice and all of us are wanting to get outside. I know I have dusted off my running shoes and have began to pound the pavement. I have suffered from heel pain in the past and as I start to run again it can rear its ugly head. I will often be a little sore after my run and it reminds me I need to take care of my feet. I once again start my routine of calf stretching and make sure to ease into my mileage. I will find my pro-stretch and specifically start targeting my plantar fascia. I will search the freezer for my frozen water bottle and start rolling my heels out after my runs.  Does all this sound familiar? Heel pain can really derail our exercise routines. 

I have found if I stretch and wear my prescriptive orthotics my heel pain is nonexistent. My prescriptive orthotics are specifically designed for running.  These are not inserts that are purchased at a shoe store or a running store. These are prescriptive medical devices that can only be made by a foot and ankle physician. I have been running for years and have spent year perfecting my orthotics. I love to pass on this knowledge to other runners that have suffered from heel pain. I even see a lot of runners that just want to prevent injury and wear and tear on their joints and these running orthotics really help your lower extremities. If you are a runner and are ready to take care of yourself give us a call today 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.


By far the most common conditions we treat at our clinic is plantar fasciitis or heel pain. We see both children and adults for this condition. It is very common for people, especially once they get back to exercising. Plantar fasciitis can be quite painful and debilitating. A lot of patients experience pain in the morning or pain after sitting for prolonged periods of time. Often times there are a lot of discussions about home remedies including stretching and icing and taping of the foot.

There are many different techniques to take the foot. One of the best is called a Low-Dye taping. I’m going to demonstrate this on our Youtube channel, which you can view here. In addition I have placed link to our free heel pain book which gives other great techniques to relieve heel pain.

If you are experiencing heel pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.
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