neuroma specialist issaquah

Displaying items by tag: neuroma specialist issaquah

Mortons Toe

Neuromas often cause a considerable amount of pain for patients. Typically a neuroma will cause a burning pain between the 3rd and 4th digit. Patients often experience increased pain with wearing shoes and walking. A common phrase we hear is a patient will feel like their sock is balled up in their shoe. Neuromas typically progress and become increasingly painful. I find it to be important to treat them early, this seems to help my patients to get back to normal activities as soon as possible.

I find alcohol injection therapy to be the most effective tool in getting rid of neuromas. I see patients that have had multiple cortisone injections and physical therapy all to no avail. The sclerosing injection therapy works extremely well for patients. The literature success rate is reported to be almost 90%. I find it to be helpful even for patients that are contemplating surgical removal of the neuroma. If you have burning or tingling in your toes or have been diagnosed with a neuroma we can help.

Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.
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