heel pain center

Displaying items by tag: heel pain center


Plantar fasciitis by far continues to be the most common presenting symptom to any foot and ankle physician. At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists, that is our primary focus and dedication. We've seen an incredible amount of patients with heel pain and continue to dedicate our practice to curing heel pain. Our treatment modalities for heel pain continue to evolve as current research supports changing and new techniques and modalities. We recently had developed a protocol that that approaches almost 100% cure rate for plantar fasciitis with no surgery.

We see many patients that have seen multiple other physicians and physical therapist and chiropractor to continue to have a significant amount of heel pain. If you continue to suffer from heel pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment today and we will help you fix your heel pain permanently.
Wednesday, 01 April 2020 23:50

Heel Pain in Kids


At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists, we commonly treat kids with heel pain. Often times these are kids in the 8-14 age range who have increasing pain with activities. The majority of these kids are highly active and involved in more than one sport. Kids often don’t have heel pain in the morning or experience much swelling or stiffness. Additionally, often times they have siblings or parents who've had heel pain.

We highly recommend having them evaluated by a physician to diagnose and treat the cause of the condition. X-ray usually gives an accurate cause of heel pain in pediatric patients. The majority of kids we treat can get back to full activities very quickly with a huge reduction in pain in just a few days. If you have a child suffering from heel pain, we highly encourage seeking the help of a foot and ankle physician. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.
heel pain out of bed in the morning

Heel pain, especially that causes pain in the morning or after we get up from a seated position can be very challenging. The most common cause is from plantar fasciitis and we are here to help. We are the number one heel pain center and have the most experience in treating heel pain. We have developed techniques to get fast relief, even on the first visit.

There are no other clinics like us in Washington State, we have seen others try and impersonate us even naming themselves as a heel pain center. However, Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialists home to the original heel pain center. Do not let heel pain stop you from enjoying your time outside or get in the way of your summer. Schedule an appointment online today or give us a call at 425-391-8666 and cure your heel pain once and for all.
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