foot surgery in mercer island

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How to maximize your recovery after bunion surgery, with soft tissue and bone healing.
Bunion surgery typically involves bone healing and soft tissue healing. The first metatarsal is typically realigned and the great toe joint has also been repositioned. There will be an incision and smaller incisions heal faster than larger ones. We always try to make your incisions as small as possible for this reason.
Bone healing can be enhanced in several ways. One recommendation is to take appropriate supplements. Ortho pro bono is a special bone healing supplement made by Ortho Molecular. I recommend that you take this during the first several months after bunion surgery. There are also special devices that enhance bone healing. These are bone healing stimulators. Some stimulators use ultrasound technology and some use an intermittent pulsed electronegative technology. Bone healing devices can be very expensive and the insurance companies will not always cover them. Smoking will classically prolong bone healing and therefore the insurance may consider the bone stimulator. If there are other high-risk situations this may also be something the insurance may be willing to allow coverage for these devices.
Proper casting after surgery or a cast boot is also critical. It is important to put weight on a part of the foot that won’t affect the bone healing of the first metatarsal. 
Soft tissue healing and swelling of tissues after surgery also should be addressed. Physical therapy can help regain normal range of motion of the great toe joint after surgery and is important. We can also reduce overall swelling during the postoperative course. Make sure that this is something that is addressed by your surgeon. I typically like to start patients with physical therapy 3-4 weeks after surgery.There are some studies that taking boron zinc and collagen can help with some soft tissue healing. It is especially important to take these extra supplements if you are a slow healer or have wounds that typically have a hard time healing.
Remember that after bunion surgery we want to maximize your soft tissue and bone healing to get you back to your normal activities as soon as possible.

If you have questions about bunion surgery we would be happy to see you at Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists. Either myself Dr. Timothy Young, or my partner Dr. Brandon Nelson.

Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.
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