bunion surgery doctor

Displaying items by tag: bunion surgery doctor


Do I need bunion surgery?

Quite a few patients ask this question. There are many factors that go into whether I think a patient should undergo surgery. Pain is the primary factor that I like to use for patients deciding whether or not they need bunion surgery. Another factor includes whether or not their second toe is affected from the bunion with something like a hammertoe occurring. Another important factor to consider is that a bunion is a progressive deformity and at some point usually requires to be fixed.

How long doesn’t take to recover from bunion surgery?

This is a much harder question to answer because there are many variables that play into this. The most important variable is the type of bunion surgery that was performed. It also depends on one's definition of recovery. Majority of patients we see are walking within 1 week and can return to normal activities as quickly as 6 weeks or as long as 3 months.

Doesn’t hurt to have bunion surgery?

I find this question very easy to answer yes bunion surgery can be uncomfortable. However, at our office we typically perform 3-5 bunion surgeries every week and are very well-versed in helping patients with pain management. Any type of surgery will typically produce pain as this is a normal an inflammatory response. The majority of people that we treat typically will take pain medications for approximately 1-3 days.

Can I still Drive after having bunion surgery?

This question really depends on the type of bunion surgery that is performed. A large majority of bunion surgeries the patient can drive as soon as they feel comfortable. The majority of patients will drive in a stiff shoe however some patients with larger reconstructions may not be able to drive for approximately 4-6 weeks.


There are multiple factors to consider on timing for bunion surgery.

One consideration is that over time the bunion gets worse and it’s possible that a more corrective procedure will be needed that will take more time to heal, causing more downtime. Therefore "putting it off" can mean more concerns in the future. Another factor is the fact that this is surgery and it’s helpful to have family help for the first week afterwards. Some of our patients just can’t wait because the bunions are so bad. Then it’s helpful to have a family member help, especially if for example it’s a mother with small children.

Another factor as I mentioned is that the longer you wait the more other problems can develop. It’s not uncommon over time with a bunion to also develop a hammer toe with the second toe. So now there is another procedure that needs to be addressed surgically.
Overtime there is adaptation of the great toe joint with a bunion and more potential for adaptive changes and arthritis.

If you have a bunion and want to discuss treatment options and surgical treatments, please make an appointment to consult with my self - Dr. Timothy Young, or my partner - Dr. Brandon Nelson.
Bunion xray

I like to make sure all my patients are well informed for any procedure they are considering, especially bunion surgery. It is important to note both the pros and cons of bunion surgery as well as what the recovery looks like. The majority of bunion procedures allow patients to walk immediately afterwards. However there can be some discomfort. It’s important to understand that pain, swelling and bruising are normal prior to the surgical process.

I encourage my patients ask questions at their pre-operative appointment, as this makes the surgical process much easier. Additionally, I provide all my patients with multiple handouts on what to expect and how to decrease down time and their recovery period. At our clinic we are lucky enough to have an on-site surgical center so this is both a huge time and cost savings for all of our patients. This also affords us the opportunity to perform more bunion surgeries than the average foot and ankle physician and we take great pride and specializing in bunion care. If you’re contemplating bunion surgery or just want an opinion on your bunion we are here to help.

Give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online. 

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Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists has been performing bunion surgery for more than 20 years and have performed thousands of bunionectomies. Having performed so many bunion procedures has allowed us to perfect our skills and provide patients with the most up-to-date bunion procedures. Currently there are almost 50 different bunion procedures that can be performed. However, the majority of these procedures are divided into 3 categories;

1. fusion or arthrodesis

2. head procedures

3. base procedures

It is important to note that not everyone is a candidate for one of these procedures. I can tell you it is important to have the entire foot structure evaluated as well as having x-rays done. I continue to get a lot of second opinions in my office due to the fact that I do perform so many bunionectomies. I do really enjoy discussing bunions and bunion procedures with patients in providing him with answers further questions and help with their feet. If you’re suffering from a bunion and are contemplating conservative care or surgical care consider making an appointment with us today.

Bunion surgery can be performed in an outpatient setting. This means that for a lot of people they will not need to stay the night in a hospital or even have to have the procedure in a hospital setting. The preference being at an ambulatory surgery center or an office-based surgery center is due to the cost savings and time savings. The majority of bunion procedures can be performed in less than 2 hours.

At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists we have an on-site surgery center for performing bunion surgery. Bunion surgery itself is usually performed on the first metatarsal at either the head or the very distal aspect of the metatarsal or at the base of the metatarsal cuneiform joint. Bunion surgery selection is often based on the size of the deformity in the overall foot structure the patient. It is important to be examined for the bunion itself so we can look at other deformities to make sure there not contributing to this pathology. If you have a bunion and have pain and irritation or interested in looking into having it fixed permanently give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.
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