bunion relief

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Tuesday, 15 December 2020 21:35

Dr. Nelson Discusses Bunion Pain Relief

Bunion (1)

Bunions can be a very difficult pathology to deal with as a patient. The majority of patients that have bunion pain are typically female between the ages of 25-55. Etiology of the bunion remains a mix of genetics and environmental factors like shoes and activity levels. Bunions can develop on the inside or the outside of the foot. Bunion on the inside of the foot can also be called metatarsus primus varus or hallux abductovalgus. Bunion on the outside of the foot is called a tailor’s bunion. Bunions can be extremely painful with activities especially as people change activities like beginning to run or do exercises that require a lot of movement.

There are many different options to relieve bunion pain. The options are categorized as surgical or conservative. From a surgical standpoint it depends on the severity of the bunion as to which procedure is selected as well as the recovery time is correlated to this. Conservative care can be useful for many patients that have a new onset of bunion pain or are not ready to have it fixed surgically. There are prescription orthotics that can be specifically used to address bunion pain as well as lubricating injection series to reduce the painful joint. I get a lot of questions about conservative measures about strapping and padding for the bunions however these measures do not typically work and will not reverse a bunion.

If you have bunion pain and would like to discuss either conservative or surgical measures we are here to help. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.

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