ball of foot pain

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Ball of foot pain usually refers to pain in one’s feet right before or near where the toes start. This is a common area to experience pain and can be attributed to quite a few pathologies. Typically, we see certain foot structures that are associated with ball of foot pain, and these include high arched feet or a foot with a bunion deformity. These foot types can develop to two most common forefoot pathologies which are capsulitis or neuritis.

Capsulitis or metatarsalgia can create pain in the ball of one’s foot especially with activities. Most people that have capsulitis will see some swelling and sharp or a bruised type of sensation. It appears to be most common in the 2nd metatarsal and has a slow progression to worsening symptoms. Shoe gear usually makes it feel better and often there is some instability in the foot itself.

Neuritis or neuromas are often isolated to the 3rd interspace of the foot. We usually see this more often in females as opposed to males. Typically, it will be a burning or tingling type feeling. Shoes often exasperate the symptoms and foot structure does not usually have much of an influence on this pathology.

There are many different techniques to diagnosis and treat capsulitis, metatarsalgia or neuromas. It is important to obtain and x-ray and a thorough evaluation of the foot itself. There are a few instances where more advanced imaging like an MRI can provide some value. Treatment for either pathology is conservative in most cases and has a high resolution rate.

If you are suffering from ball of foot pain, make an appointment today and I will help you get back on your feet! 425-391-8666

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It is very common for our clinic to see patients that present with pain in the front of their foot. Often times patients have been dealing with this condition for months. Most patients will describe a burning or a feeling of walking on a bubble or that their sock feels balled up. There is usually no underlying injury and many patients will have a bunion with this foot type as well. The two most common diagnosis that encapsulate forefoot pain are 1. Capsulitis and 2. Neuromas.

Capsulitis refers to a general inflammation of a joint or a joint capsule. All joints are defined by where two bones come together, that share a common joint capsule with fluid inside and both bone ends are covered with cartilage. This joint capsule, fluid and cartilage allow gliding or motion to occur. Whether the joint is being overloaded or stressed can cause irritation, swelling, pain and sometimes stiffness. The most common spot for this to occur in the lower extremity is the second metatarsal phalangeal joint. This can be quite painful and make walking and exercise difficult. Most patients with this condition have an underlying unstable foot that causes the joint to be overloaded. It is important to see your foot and ankle doctor as this condition can lead to dislocation of the toe and chronic pain.

Neuromas are an irritation of the digital nerves of the foot. Most commonly patients describe a burning or lump in the front of the foot. This pain is often worse in shoes. The neuroma is usually between the 3rd and 4th toes and more often in females than males. We do not often see an underlying condition that causes neuromas. This is usually the result of ones anatomy and not related to the overall structure of the foot. Your foot and ankle doctor can typically diagnosis this with a physical exam and an x-ray or ultrasound.

If you are suffering from ball of foot pain, capsulitis or neuromas we can help. We combine the most advanced treatment options available with recent literature and have seen great relief from conservative measures. Do not continue to suffer call us today and we can help.

Give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.

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