arthritis of the big toe

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Arthritis of the big toe
or sometimes called hallux limitus or hallux rigidus involves degenerative arthritis of the big toe.  It often presents as pain and swelling in the big toe and even limited range of motion.  Patients often have a history of any injury like a turf toe type incision where the majority of the time this is genetic in origin.  This typically starts from an anatomical misalignment or elevated first metatarsal where long-term jamming of the joint and pain and swelling begins.

The treatment options from a surgical aspect involves joint preserving procedures.  Joint sparing procedures involve trying to increase the life of the joint.

Joint sparing procedures typically have consisted of cleaning up the joint which is very commonly called a cheilectomy. This can be done for early type arthritis.  This has all been considered were course of early intervention and has had great outcomes.

Joint destructive procedures typically involve the use of implants or fusion.  Implants of the big toe joint have fallen out of favor and are not utilized by many physicians. The stays and fusion continues to be the mainstay.  However there are other options that become available, depending on the patient's needs.  There are some physicians that advocate what is called an interpositional arthroplasty which seems to work well and provides some space in the joint to provide cushioning.

If you have big toe pain I am happy to help make an appointment at our office and we can see whether conservative or surgical options are warranted. Give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today


Brandon Nelson 
Board-Certified Foot and Ankle Physician and Surgeon

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