
Friday, 20 January 2017 18:30

Achilles Tendonitis and Pain in the Morning

The Achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in the human body. It is required for normal walking, jumping and exercises. It is one of the most common tendons to become inflamed from over use. Often times we see patients who recently had a change in exercise activities or who just started a new exercise program that develop Achilles pain. Some of the most common symptoms patients experience with this condition include:

● Pain when first getting out of bed

● Swelling around the heel

● Stiffness of ankle when first start walking

● A grabbing or catching sensation around the Achilles

Some of the first lines of treatments for Achilles tendonitis include icing and stretching as well as an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen. We strongly encourage people to seek medical intervention for Achilles pain as the long term complications can include rupturing or tearing of the tendon. For some great stretches please see the following video.

Ouch!  It is nice to know that your overall out-of-pocket expenses will be significantly less at our state of the art certified surgical center.  There are several fees to consider including the surgeon's fee and the facility fee.  The facility fee at our surgical center is a fraction of that compared to having your foot or ankle surgery done at the local hospital.  
Our certified ambulatory surgical center (ASC) has to follow guidelines that are often virtually the same or similar to those of the hospital. Take a look at our surgical facility for yourself!
To help minimize the risk of infection and to benefit your health and safety,  strict guidelines are followed at Foot and Ankle Surgical Center of Issaquah.  We treat you like family!  In fact, many of our family members and close friends do come here to have their procedures done at our facility.  
Our goal is to treat you in the safest possible manner and help maximize the best possible outcome. Each year, hundreds of our patients have surgical treatment for their foot or ankle condition at our facility.  Our patients enjoy the best quality care and our surgical facility consistently receives outstanding reviews from our patients.  This is a great reflection on our facility our surgeons and our staff.  If you do need foot or ankle surgery, we can have our billing service check your benefits and determine your out-of-pocket portion.  
Please contact our clinic at Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialists: Dr. Brandon Nelson and Dr. Timothy Young.
Tel: 425-391-8666 
Saturday, 01 October 2016 18:26

Osteoarthritis Of The Foot And Ankle

There are many great treatment options for osteoarthritis of the foot and ankle. However one of the most promising therapies is platelet rich plasma injections. This procedure is done in the office and involves using your own natural healing cells to stimulate healing potentials. We have seen many candidates for joint replacement that have benefited from platelet rich plasma therapy. It is important to be evaluated properly before adding platelet rich plasma injections, including  of the joint function and x-rays to see if your candidate. We find platelet rich plasma good alternative surgical therapy or joint replacement.


There are many great treatment options for osteoarthritis of the foot and ankle. However one of the most promising therapies is platelet rich plasma injections. This procedure is done in the office and involves using your own natural healing cells to stimulate healing potentials. We have seen many candidates for joint replacement that have benefited from platelet rich plasma therapy. It is important to be evaluated properly before adding platelet rich plasma injections, including  of the joint function and x-rays to see if your candidate. We find platelet rich plasma good alternative surgical therapy or joint replacement.

Friday, 23 September 2016 17:06

Achilles Tendinosis


Achilles tendinitis is a common condition that can affect many active people. The majority of people that have Achilles tendinitis have this occurring from overuse.

There are many grade stretching routines that can be initiated to help the Achilles tendon. One of the most successful treatments that we have seen is shockwave technology. We are one of the only few clinics that has shockwave technology available. The shockwave technology allows revascularization of the tendinitis and a quicker return to activities. It is important to treat the Achilles tendinitis quickly as this can lead to rupture and other further complications. If you are experiencing any pain, please call us at 425-391-8666.

Friday, 16 September 2016 17:05

The Best Prescription Orthotics


A prescription orthotic is a medical device used to control biomechanical instabilities of the foot and ankle. There are many different types of prescription orthotics that can be produced depending on the pathology present. It is important to have a complete biomechanical evaluation as well as gait analysis for a proper orthotic to be prescribed. Some of the newer materials used in prescription orthotics can be made in a more low profile fashion so we can fit them in variety of shoes. We have found the majority of foot and ankle conditions can be resolved with a successful prescription orthotic.

Thursday, 08 September 2016 17:03

Treatment for Fungal Toenails

There are a lot of treatments available for treatment of fungal toenails. Being that there are a lot of treatments available, this tells us that fungal toenail treatment can be challenging. The most effective techniques we have found are a combination of therapeutic approaches. We have an FDA approved laser that we combined with some topicals and an oral vitamin that gives us a very high success rate. Often times we are able to avoid oral medications that require liver function testing. Our protocol is the most successful protocol we have seen, and it has taken us years to develop it. Patients have seen dramatic improvement in nails.

Friday, 19 August 2016 17:02

How a Cheilectomy Procedure is Done

Today we're going to talk about Cheilectomy. Cheilectomy is a surgery that's done for arthritis of the great toe joint. What happens is people develop arthritic spurs from mechanical jamming of this joint --they get wear and tear of the joint. The cartilage becomes more narrow and damaged, and they get large painful arthritic spurs on top of the joint. The joint becomes quite stiff. It becomes enlarged and it becomes painful. Once someone has this, they may have orthotics, they may have had injections, but at some point, a lot of people have surgery. The goal of surgery is to clean up the spurs and remove the enlargement of the joint. When we do the surgery, we make an incision over the top of the joint, and we go down on the capsule, which strengthens the joint. Once we have access to the joint, we can inspect the joint and look at the cartilage. Once we've cleaned out the joint and exposed it, we take a saw and remove the spurs. We also remove the top portion of the joint to improve the gliden of the joint. Once the surgery is done, patients are usually put into a cast boot. For this procedure, we use local anesthetic. If you would like to make an appointment, please call us at 425-391-8666. 

Thursday, 11 August 2016 16:57

Achilles Tendon Ruptures

Achilles tendon ruptures are common condition for males, especially between the ages of 40 and 60. Often, patients present feeling as though someone has kicked them in the back of the leg or the feeling of a pop in the back of their ankle. There are many alternative treatment options for Achilles tendinitis, including shockwave therapy, platelet rich plasma therapy, and anteromedial injections. If you experience any sort of Achilles tendon pain or swelling, it is important to get in and see a foot and ankle physician as soon as possible. Our clinic offers the latest treatment modalities for Achilles tendinitis that are not available elsewhere. We have vast experience in treating Achilles tendinitis with platelet rich plasma injections that have yielded a high success rate. There are side off of these treatment modalities. If you would like to schedule appointment call 425-391-8666.

Friday, 05 August 2016 16:54

Big Toe Pain


One of the most common causes of big toe pain is arthritis. This is a common condition that can cause pain and swelling around the big toe. Often times patients relate increasing pain with activity, especially running and jumping. This is commonly called a Hallux Limitus or Hallux Rigidus depending on the severity of the arthritis. There are many great treatment modalities available for this condition at Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists. It is important to see your foot and ankle specialist any time you develop big toe pain as we can help alleviate some of t1his pain and slow progression of the disease process.

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