She Has Now Returned To Hiking And Is Pain Free.

Sandy Butler enjoys hiking in the Leavenworth area of Washington, but plantar fasciitis kept her from hiking.  She made the long distance drive to visit Dr. Timothy Young for a second opinion with pain persisting in the left heel of her foot.  Dr. Young administered an ultrasound guided dry needling procedure combined with electrical stimulation to help numb the nerves for dry needling.  Sandy stated, "the electrical stimulation went very well and helped ease the pain.  I only experienced pain once, because a nerve wasn’t fully numb."

Sandy also used a cast boot for 4 weeks that allowed her to walk around home and was pain free during the healing process.  Dr. Young then modified her orthotics with gel cushioning for the heel that was very helpful.

She has now returned to hiking and is pain free.  She described Dr. Young as being very nice, empathetic, easy to communicate with, and answered all her questions.   She would definitely recommend the dry needling procedure to all her friends and family.

Sandy Butler - Levenworth, WA
5 out of 5 stars
Total Reviews : 259