Ingrown Toenail Frequent Questions | Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialists
What Is Toenail Fungus? Toenail fungus, or onychomycosis, is an infection underneath the surface of the nail caused by fungi. When the tiny organisms take hold, the nail often becomes darker in color and smells foul. Debris may collect beneath the nail plate, white marks frequently appear on the nail plate, and the infection is capable of spreading to other toenails, the skin, or even the fingernails. If ignored, the infection can spread and possibly impair your ability to work or even walk. The resulting thicker nails are difficult to trim and make walking painful when wearing shoes. Onychomycosis can also be accompanied by a secondary bacterial or yeast infection in or about the nail plate. What Is An Ingrown Toenail? Ingrown toenails occur when bacteria gets trapped between your toenail and skin, usually near the borders of the toenail. This causes a localized infection to occur which results in pain, swelling, redness and increased warmth. There does appear to be a hereditary component to the development of ingrown toenails but, trauma, improper trimming and poor fitting shoes can contribute to the development as well. What Should Be Done With My Ingrown Toenails? Do not attempt to remove infected nails on your own. If you notice an increase of swelling, pain or any discharge is present; the toenail is likely infected and should be treated by a podiatrist.
Contact us if you are experiencing painful ingrown toenails, especially if you believe the condition worsening or you have diabetes or circulation issues. Addressing this condition early will help in the prevention of infection and other complications. Ingrown toenails can be very painful and can be treated easily depending upon the severity.