mortons neuroma

Displaying items by tag: mortons neuroma

Morton's Toe

Morton’s neuromas can be extremely painful for many people.  I think nerve pain is one of the most challenging pathologies to treat.  I see quite a few patients each week with neuromas.  I find there are a few things that can make a big difference in neuroma pain.  Let’s review them and see if we can help you if you are experiencing nerve pain or neuroma pain. 

Neuromas are very susceptible to alcohol injection therapy.  This is one of the best available treatment options we have currently.  This technique has been around for about 30 years and the literature reports an average success rate of 89%.  I have been utilizing it now for about 15 years and find it highly effective for patients.  The average patient needs 4-6 injections about 2 weeks apart.  I have even had great success with stump neuromas and patients that have tried many other conservative treatments.    

Orthotics can be a big help as well.  I am not talking about a shoe insert, or something over the counter or at a shoe store.  These are prescription orthotics devices made by a physician.  A gait analysis and overall biomechanical examination needs to be done to identify causes contributing to the nerve irritation.  I like to utilize a 3-D scan of the foot to get an extremely accurate copy of the foot structure. I find active people do well with these devices and find significant pain relief.

Nerve supplements and laser, FDA approved laser, can also be used to help nerve pain.  We currently have a laser that has shown extremely promising results with no complications.  I like to combine nerve supplements with laser and infra-red-light therapy.  The best part of this is no interference with any other medications, no down time, and no side effects. 

If you have a neuroma, I can help, call to make an appointment with me at 425-391-8666 or schedule an appointment online


Dr Brandon Nelson

American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons

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