issaquah foot and ankle specialists
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Dr. Timothy Young Talks About Bunion Surgery in Seattle.
What to expect after bunion surgery with your cast.
Dr. Brandon Nelson Talks About Plantar Fasciitis and New Treatment Modalities
Plantar fasciitis by far continues to be the most common presenting symptom to any foot and ankle physician. At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists, that is our primary focus and dedication. We've seen an incredible amount of patients with heel pain and continue to dedicate our practice to curing heel pain. Our treatment modalities for heel pain continue to evolve as current research supports changing and new techniques and modalities. We recently had developed a protocol that that approaches almost 100% cure rate for plantar fasciitis with no surgery.
We see many patients that have seen multiple other physicians and physical therapist and chiropractor to continue to have a significant amount of heel pain. If you continue to suffer from heel pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment today and we will help you fix your heel pain permanently.
Dr. Brandon Nelson Talks About The Power of Prescription Orthotics
Prescription orthotics have proven to be a great weapon in the treatment and prevention of foot and ankle problems. Custom orthotics have proven to be superior than over the counter inserts in alleviating pain and slowing progression of lower extremity deformities. Prescription orthotics can only be prescribed by a foot and ankle doctor and require the placement of joints into the neutral position. They control excessive pronation and help to redistribute weight and enhance joint alignment. There is a common misconception that prescription orthotics are arch supports or that over the counter orthotics are similar. This could not be further from the truth.
Prescription orthotics do not come from a machine you stand on or from a shoe store. A physician is required to diagnose your condition, evaluate your joints and gait cycle. A large percentage of insurance companies cover a prescription orthotic that is made from a Podiatrist. Prescription orthotics can help all types of patients and foot deformities from bunions to running injuries. Many people without foot pain can benefit from a prescriptive orthotic to help maintain correct alignment and avoid long term issues to the foot or ankle. We at Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialist have a dedicated gait evaluation lab and can provide the best possible orthotic.
Give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. We will be happy to see you.
Heel Pain in Kids
At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists, we commonly treat kids with heel pain. Often times these are kids in the 8-14 age range who have increasing pain with activities. The majority of these kids are highly active and involved in more than one sport. Kids often don’t have heel pain in the morning or experience much swelling or stiffness. Additionally, often times they have siblings or parents who've had heel pain.
We highly recommend having them evaluated by a physician to diagnose and treat the cause of the condition. X-ray usually gives an accurate cause of heel pain in pediatric patients. The majority of kids we treat can get back to full activities very quickly with a huge reduction in pain in just a few days. If you have a child suffering from heel pain, we highly encourage seeking the help of a foot and ankle physician. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.
Bunion Surgery in Seattle
Dr. Timothy Young explains bunion surgery.
Ingrown Nails, Toenail Removal and Ingrown Nail Treatment Options
Ingrown nails can be quite painful and cause difficulty wearing shoes and exercising. Ingrown nails are very common especially in kids and present with redness and swelling to the toenail. Ingrown nail treatment is fairly easy and straightforward. Ingrown toenail treatment options often time include removing of the offending nail border. For ingrown nail treatment, very rarely does the entire nail need to come off.
Patients in Bellevue, Sammamish, Maple Valley, Redmond and Seattle often come to Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialists because we have a special technique to decrease discomfort during the procedure. We will often times treat the ingrown nail the same day in order to save patients time and discomfort. Many patients have a history of multiple ingrown nails and are looking for long-term treatment options. We have a special technique which we can perform and virtually eliminate the chance of ever having another ingrown toenail again. If you live in the surrounding area and are looking for a foot and ankle doctor or podiatrist or foot doctor to treat this, we are that clinic. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.
How to Stop Heel Pain the Fastest Way Possible
Heel pain, especially that causes pain in the morning or after we get up from a seated position can be very challenging. The most common cause is from plantar fasciitis and we are here to help. We are the number one heel pain center and have the most experience in treating heel pain. We have developed techniques to get fast relief, even on the first visit.
There are no other clinics like us in Washington State, we have seen others try and impersonate us even naming themselves as a heel pain center. However, Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialists home to the original heel pain center. Do not let heel pain stop you from enjoying your time outside or get in the way of your summer. Schedule an appointment online today or give us a call at 425-391-8666 and cure your heel pain once and for all.
Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery
Minimally invasive bunion surgery does provide a few advantages compared to traditional bunion surgery. It often can leave smaller scars, have a faster recovery speed and have less pain. The term minimally invasive is rather vague and can be misleading. The most important part of bunion surgery is proper procedure selection. Procedure selection is based on the clinical evaluation and x-rays.
Minimally invasive techniques do have limitations and are not useful in large bunion deformities. The best way to determine whether or not you are a candidate is to schedule an appointment with us. We have an onsite surgical suite and can provide you with all the details to make a decision. We are even able to offer conservative measures for bunion pain. Don’t delay we are here to help at Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialists. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 today.
Exercises and Activities After Foot Problem or Injury
Dr Timothy Young discusses how to resume exercise and sports
In some cases it is possible to return to exercise and normal activities fairly soon after an injury or foot/ankle problem. With many acute injuries it is necessary to wait 3–4 weeks or longer, before attempting to return to activity. Depending upon the problem and level of recovery it may be necessary to wait until there is significant progress with the healing and recovery.
Pain is the key. Use pain as your guideline. Sometimes our patients will not know if they are okay with their activity level or exercises until later that day or even the following day. For example let's say you are a "walker" who would do 3-5 miles "preinjury" and you decide to return to your walking. That day you're fine but the next day may be telling, you can tell if you did too much too soon. In this case you know it is too soon to return to activity and you have to give it more time, possibly 1 week or longer. Listen to your body, and let pain help guide you.
Start slowly! After a foot problem or injury when you are ready to start resuming some activity, always start at a reduced level. For example if you typically walk 3–5 miles then try walking just 1 mile when you first return to activity. Do this for the first week and again use pain as your guideline, if all goes well then add a half mile the next week and continue that pattern.
Consider crosstraining: Aqua jogging and a stationary bike are often ways that you can do exercises without any impact. When using the stationary bike it is often necessary to use your heel and not the front of your foot on the injured side.
Use taping and braces: We have handouts on foot and ankle taping (KT tape). Taping and braces often allow you to get back to activity sooner than you would otherwise. Often you don't have to tape every day, just on those days were you will be on your foot much more or when you are doing weigh bearing exercises.
Boards Certification and Foot Surgery
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