heel pain bellevue
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Dr Brandon Nelson Discusses Heel Pain after Walking
There are many sources of heel pain. Heel pain can be caused from a bone spur, stress fracture or the most common reason plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation within your plantar fascia which is a big thick ligament like structure that supports the bottom of your foot. The fascia begins in your heel and runs to your toes.
This is why the most common spot for heel pain is right where the fascia attaches to your calcaneus or heel bone. With an increase in exercise or walking we see more stress on the fascia. This in turn can begin to create and inflammatory cycle and the beginning of plantar fasciitis. One of the best things we can do in the beginning is to stretch your calf muscles. I recommend stretching at least 3 times a day for about 2-3 minutes each session. One must make sure to stretch both the gastroc and soleous muscles.
If you are suffering from heel pain or plantar fasciits we can help. Give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.
Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses That Terrible Pain in Your Foot That Occurs in the Morning

Getting up in the morning is hard enough without adding foot pain. Many patients present to our clinic with morning pain or first step pain that has been present for months. I believe this has to be a very challenging way to start your day and I empathize with anybody that suffers from this. The most common cause of morning pain or first step pain is plantar fasciitis, heel pain or bone spurs. Typically once calf muscle and plantar fascia have a chance to relax with sleeping a contracture occurs. This contracture makes for a tight fascia and heel cord so that when patients steps down after sleeping or after resting that tightness creates pain.
This morning or first step pain can create a cycle of chronic pain making plantar fasciitis hard to treat. I really encourage my patients to do a significant amount of calf and plantar fascia stretching. It is very important for patients to work on overall tightness of your calf and facia, utilizing tools like a foam rolling, calf stretching techniques or a theraband can help. I also encourage early intervention by a foot and ankle physician to avoid chronic fasciitis. Once patients reach a chronic fasciitis state can be extremely challenging and frustrating for both the patient and physician alike. At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists, we pride ourselves on utilizing the most advanced treatments available to cure plantar fasciitis once and for all. If you’re suffering from morning pain or plantar fasciitis, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.
Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses Understanding Plantar Fasciitis
Heel pain, plantar fasciitis or heel spurs can be extremely painful and uncomfortable for patients. A large percentage of the patient population we see at our clinic is for heel pain. Plantar fasciitis is extremely common as the literature reports as high as 60% of American adults will experience it at some point. The most common symptoms associated with heel pain are pain in the morning or a bruise throbbing type sensation in the heel. Often times patients come and wonder what caused the plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis often originates with increased activity levels or increased stress on the foot structure.
Your plantar fascia is the main supporting network of the foot and people that have flatfoot for tight calf muscles are often predisposed to developing heel pain. Heel pain often starts slowly and begins to progress with time. The most important thing to understand in treating heel pain is to have it treated early. We find it much easier to get rid of it permanently if patients present earlier in the inflammatory process. The ultimate goal is to prevent it from becoming a chronic injury that can take months to get better. If you’re suffering from heel pain or pain when you get out of bed in the morning or after prolonged periods of walking, please give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online and we will help you.
Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses How To Stop Heel Pain And Plantar Fasciitis Once And For All
I’m still constantly surprised on a daily basis how many people live with chronic heel pain. Plantar fasciitis or heel pain can be so challenging for patients and really be detrimental to their life. I see a lot of patients that have suffered for years and years from heel pain and have seen multiple physicians and are still having pain. I empathize with these patients and understand their frustration as this can really impact their life and the things they want to do. Having suffered from plantar fasciitis and heel pain myself and knowing how it impacted my life, I really enjoyed treating heel pain patients.
I now important it is for me to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle and I really want to provide this for my patients as well. Often times the majority of heel pain gets treated as plantar fasciitis when there are quite a few other pathologies that can cause heel pain. I can’t stress enough compounded is to find the underlying causes of heel pain which allows proper treatment plan to occur. If you suffer from heel pain for plantar fasciitis and are continuing to suffer please make an appointment or give us a call today at 425-391-8666 today and we will help you stop it once and for all.
Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses Causes of Children’s Heel Pain
At Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialists we are the leaders in treating pediatric patients. We are the number one referral center for Pediatricians that are looking for a foot and ankle specialist. We have over 40 years of experience treating pediatric patients. The most common presentation we see is a child with heel pain. Kids begin to present with heel pain as sports start back up, especially soccer and basketball.
Typically children relate a pain that wraps around the back of their heel that often feels like a bruise and gets more painful with activities. Sometimes there is a family history of heel pain in a brother or sister or even mom and dad. I encourage parents to have their child examined as there are many causes of heel pain and those should be ruled out. Apophysitis or Sever’s Disease can be the cause of heel pain in children. This is a type of growth plate irritation that can be extremely uncomfortable. However, it should be noted that there are other causes and I would stress that parents should have their child evaluated before beginning treatment for apophysitis. If your child is suffering from heel pain give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online and we will help.
Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses The Best Taping Techniques For Plantar Fasciitis
By far the most common conditions we treat at our clinic is plantar fasciitis or heel pain. We see both children and adults for this condition. It is very common for people, especially once they get back to exercising. Plantar fasciitis can be quite painful and debilitating. A lot of patients experience pain in the morning or pain after sitting for prolonged periods of time. Often times there are a lot of discussions about home remedies including stretching and icing and taping of the foot.
There are many different techniques to take the foot. One of the best is called a Low-Dye taping. I’m going to demonstrate this on our Youtube channel, which you can view here. In addition I have placed link to our free heel pain book which gives other great techniques to relieve heel pain.
If you are experiencing heel pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.
How To Heal Plantar Fasciitis
It is the little things! Plantar fasciitis is often an extremely stubborn problem. It often takes a combination of treatments to get this to resolve. Some of the core treatments involve appropriate shoes, prescription orthotics, night splints, icing and other anti-inflammatory treatments. However, sometimes it is surprising how effective it can be to do a little "fine tuning" to the treatment program.
We may have a patient where we have been doing all the right things as mentioned above. And then we question our patient: have you been stretching 4 times a day and the answer is no. And just something like ramping up the stretching to 4 times a day and/or being very consistent with a night splint can make all the difference.
Another example can be wearing the right shoes. Wearing flats or Converse shoes or other shoes that just don't have much structure or support are not helpful for this problem. It is critical to get the shoes that are recommended. For example very good athletic shoes with both a combination of structure and support. This is yet another example where adding this one item while continuing to do everything else, and finally the problem gets better!
If you have heel pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today. Myself, Dr. Timothy Young, or my partner Dr. Brandon Nelson would love to see you.
Dr. Brandon Nelson Talks About How To Treat Plantar Fasciitis

The statistics say about 60% of American adults with suffer from plantar fasciitis at some point in their life. The symptoms most commonly associated with plantar fasciitis include; pain in the morning, pain after walking or a burning or bruised sensation to the heel. Plantar fasciitis is best used to describe these symptoms if they have been present for only a few months. After a few months it is more accurate to describe it as plantar fasciosis. Plantar fasciosis refers to a chronic inflamed process of the heel as opposed to an acute.
Plantar fasciitis is by far the most common reason a patient will visit a podiatrist. Heel pain can be extremely challenging and quite debilitating. Often patients that present to Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists have seen other physicians and are hoping for a miracle. Well I can tell you we always have a treatment routine that has not been tried as we are the number one source for heel pain in Washington State. We treat other physicians and medical providers on a regular basis as they know we have the latest technology and research combined to maximize outcomes for patients. If you suffer from heel pain let us help you heal.
If you are experiencing heel pain, give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.
Dr. Brandon Nelson Talks About Treatment Options for Achilles Heel Pain, Achilles Tendinitis and Retrocalcaneal Bursitis
At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists, we provide exceptional care as sports medicine physicians. We’re the #1 foot and ankle source for Achilles tendon pain, heel bursitis, bone spurs, and retrocalcaneal bursitis. One of our primary areas of focus is sports medicine and sports injuries. Achilles tendon injuries can be extremely challenging.
We utilize the latest treatment options including shockwave therapy and other cutting edge sports medicine techniques to treat all types of Achilles tendon pain. We can provide urgent care in same-day appointments sports medicine related injuries as we're the #1 foot and ankle clinic. If you live in Bellevue, Seattle, Issaquah, Maple Valley or Sammamish we are here to help. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.
How to Cure Plantar Fasciitis Once and For All

A lot of Americans continue to struggle with plantar fasciitis. Approximately 60% of American adults will have this at some point in their life. The majority of people with plantar fasciitis type symptoms have pain in the morning or pain after prolonged periods of rest. The main line of therapy to start with usually consist of stretching and icing and not going barefoot. More advanced therapies can be a prescription orthotic or an injection like steroids for anti-inflammatories.
Many patients that have been treated for plantar fasciitis regardless of the treatment that has been attempted continue to have significant pain and dysfunction. At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists, we have developed a plantar fascial protocol that approach is approximately 98%. This is by far the best protocols that we have seen in the literature and discussed with other colleagues. We see a lot of patients that are seeking second and third opinions and wanted an option apart from surgical intervention. Our protocol has taken approximately 10 years to perfect and we have used it on thousands of patients and have seen tremendous results. If you continue to suffer from heel pain or would like a second opinion to stop heel pain once and for all please give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online today.
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