foot surgery kent

Displaying items by tag: foot surgery kent

By Pagemaker787 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
At Issaquah Foot & Ankle Specialists, we provide the best surgical treatment. We want to prepare our patients for their surgery. Here are some of the helpful things to prepare for before your foot surgery. Plan ahead for meals, driving, shopping, sleeping and bathing.

Do your errands ahead of time:

-get your post op Rx filled

-buy a cast shower protector

-have your meal planning done, you may want to get some premade dinners and easy meals

Prepare your house:

-set-up a bed on the main floor of the house, so you do not have to use stairs.

-set up your shower, get an inexpensive hand shower head

-get a plastic chair you can put inside the shower

-make sure your house is easy to move around in.

Family help:

-make sure a family member or friend can help during the 1rst 24 hours and

-arrange for help with driving

Prepare for some couch time:

-get books, movies, home office set-up.

Some planning before your surgery will make things easier during your post op time. You want the best long term out come and planning will help!

If you have more questions and would like a consultation let us know. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online. 

Dr. Timothy Young and Dr. Brandon Nelson

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Total Reviews : 249