bunion surgery mercer island
Displaying items by tag: bunion surgery mercer island
Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses How To Make Sure You Have The Correct Bunion Surgery
Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists has been performing bunion surgery for more than 20 years and have performed thousands of bunionectomies. Having performed so many bunion procedures has allowed us to perfect our skills and provide patients with the most up-to-date bunion procedures. Currently there are almost 50 different bunion procedures that can be performed. However, the majority of these procedures are divided into 3 categories;
1. fusion or arthrodesis
2. head procedures
3. base procedures
It is important to note that not everyone is a candidate for one of these procedures. I can tell you it is important to have the entire foot structure evaluated as well as having x-rays done. I continue to get a lot of second opinions in my office due to the fact that I do perform so many bunionectomies. I do really enjoy discussing bunions and bunion procedures with patients in providing him with answers further questions and help with their feet. If you’re suffering from a bunion and are contemplating conservative care or surgical care consider making an appointment with us today.
Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses Why We Have the Best Options for Pain Control After Bunion Surgery
Bunion surgery provides great outcomes for patients that want relief from foot pain. Foot pain associated with a bunion can be very difficult to manage from a conservative standpoint. A lot of patients have tried getting bigger or wider shoes, which can create more room for the bunion to grow and make the situation worse. Patients will also apply pads, straps, splints or tape to the feet. This can be time consuming and cumbersome and again does nothing to fix or reverse the cause of bunions. The only way to actually fix the bunion is surgically. Bunion surgery has come a long way there are now new techniques we utilize to decrease down times and post-operative pain.
New techniques offer shorter recoveries and quicker returns to activity. Pain control can be challenging for both patients and physicians that are not as familiar as we are with modern techniques and medications. We use a long acting anesthetic to make the foot numb and prescribe different medications based on each individual patient and procedure performed. We have taken years to perfect our pain control regime and find the majority of our patient’s rate their pain as being well controlled. If you are contemplating bunion surgery come see us. With our pain control regime, onsite surgical center and years of experience this will create the best possible experience for you.
If you have bunion pain, give us a call today at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.
Dr. Nelson Discusses the Best Correction Techniques for Surgery on Bunions, Tailor's Bunions

Bunions and tailor’s bunion can be quite painful. Often times we see hammertoes associated with tailor’s bunions on the outside of the foot or on the inside of the foot. Bunion pain especially bunion pain of the big toe can be extremely difficult for patients that are active. We get a lot of questions for what is the best bunion correction that can be performed utilizing surgical techniques. We also get a lot of questions regarding minimally invasive type bunion procedures. The most important part of bunion surgery is having your bunion evaluated.
I highly recommend meeting your surgeon in person and have them evaluate your foot both clinically and radiographically. X-rays are paramount as well as the clinical exam to see what is causing the bunion deformity and what is the best correction method to be applied. There are many different types of bunion surgeries from what we call head procedures or procedures performed at the distal aspect of the first metatarsal or base procedures which are procedures performed at the proximal aspect. The recovery and the long-term reduction of the deformity can be correlated to type of bunion procedure that is done as well as a factors contributing to the bunion. Every bunion procedure we perform the patient can walk on the foot after the procedure and all of them are done in the office to save both time and money.
If you have tried bunion pads and other bunion relief options give us a call and we’ll help you fix your bunion. Give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an apointment online today. Myself (Dr. Brandon Nelson) or my partner Dr. Timothy Young would love to see you.
Dr. Brandon Nelson Discusses The Best Options For Bunion Surgery

Bunion surgery can be performed in an outpatient setting. This means that for a lot of people they will not need to stay the night in a hospital or even have to have the procedure in a hospital setting. The preference being at an ambulatory surgery center or an office-based surgery center is due to the cost savings and time savings. The majority of bunion procedures can be performed in less than 2 hours.
At Issaquah Foot and Ankle Specialists we have an on-site surgery center for performing bunion surgery. Bunion surgery itself is usually performed on the first metatarsal at either the head or the very distal aspect of the metatarsal or at the base of the metatarsal cuneiform joint. Bunion surgery selection is often based on the size of the deformity in the overall foot structure the patient. It is important to be examined for the bunion itself so we can look at other deformities to make sure there not contributing to this pathology. If you have a bunion and have pain and irritation or interested in looking into having it fixed permanently give us a call at 425-391-8666 or make an appointment online.
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