Spring Is Here, So Are Shin Splints

Wednesday, 27 April 2011 12:31

Spring Is Here, So Are Shin Splints

Shin splints are painful and often many people believe that they must simply deal with the pain. However, this is simply not correct.Shin splints are slow healing and painful, so if you suffer from shin splints preventing this pain is the best course of action.

Shin splints are most commonly caused by running, or participating in sports that require frequent hard stops and starts such as tennis or basketball. Running on slanted surfaces can also cause shin splints. 

People who suffer from shin splints will often notice tenderness, soreness, or pain in the lower part of the leg. Mild swelling may occur and there may be noticeable pain when pointing your toes downward.

Often this condition can be avoided by using proper footwear or if necessary custom prescription orthotics. There may be biomechanical problems that may have helped cause this type of injury. A biomechanical gait analysis will identify if your gait (your particular movement) is the cause of your pain and if prescription orthotics will help.


Rest to allow the injury to heal and apply ice early on, when experiencing the pain. Stretching the lower leg muscles can also help to ease the discomfort.

Custom orthotics are used to treat many foot and ankle disorders. If you experience heel painplantar fasciitis, arch pain or shin splints you may consider custom orthotics to give your feet the relief they need and avoid future injuries.

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