Plantar Fasciitis And Running

Friday, 21 January 2011 10:03

Plantar Fasciitis And Running

Plantar fasciitis is commonly found in athletes and runners as a result of their extensive running and exercise.  Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia, which is the long, flat ligament on the bottom of the foot, stretches irregularly and develops small tears that cause the ligament to become inflamed.  The pain that occurs from the inflammation is most commonly found to occur in the early morning after a long period of rest.  Putting sudden weight on the foot after it's been at rest of an extensive period of time causes stress on the area and sudden pain will occur.  However, the pain should subside once the foot has been walked on for a while.  

Since runners are especially prone to developing plantar fasciitis, extra precautions need to be taken to help prevent this problem from occurring.  Utilize the tips below to help reduce the chances of developing plantar fasciitis:

  • Rest regularly.  When running long distances, it's important to rest intermittently in order to relieve constant stress on the plantar fascia.
  • Change your routine gradually.  Do not suddenly start an aggressive routine.  Ease into a new routine by gradually increasing distance and difficulty. 
  • Stretch.  Make sure to stretch the entire body before running and pay special attention to the plantar fascia. 
  • Choose proper shoewear.  Runners should always wear shoes that fit properly and support the heel and arch of the foot. 

When feeling the type of pain that occurs with plantar fasciitis, it is best to stop running.  Additional strain on the heel will aggravate the area even more and will cause the pain to become even more severe.  Alternative exercises, such as swimming and pool exercises, are recommended so additional strain is not put on the plantar fascia. 

If you have experienced or are experiencing symptoms of plantar fasciitis, please contact us to make an appointment.    

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